Stone Soup

Acrylic Latex Paint on Concrete

ArtPath 7 Audio Tour

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About This Installation

This piece, entitled “Stone Soup”, visualizes a foundational act in that work – eating together. The imagery of multiple hands offering their varied goods to the pot is an actual event that happens amongst my friends. We all bring what we have, and individually, it is not adequate to meet our needs. But collectively, we can nourish ourselves and others. The vegetables are vibrant, the herbs fresh from someone’s yard, and the laughter strong. Together, we can imagine a world where more needs are met, more kindly.

Find On The Trail

Under the Cedar St. Bridge - Middle
This site is located underneath the Cedar St. bridge near Elm St. and Elm Park. The new ArtPath installations are found on the structural component of the bridge, right next to the river.
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About the Artist



, MI

Cait is a longtime Eastside resident and multi-disciplinary artist. She grew up in rural Michigan and graduated with a BFA from Michigan State University. With over a decade of experience doing art and design, Cait knows that art has the power to impact how an idea is received, or to change how a space feels and functions. Her time spent as an urban farmer, avid DIYer, and muralist has all revolved around transforming spaces into beautiful, vibrant points of connection.

Her artwork orbits around ideas of community resilience, interconnectedness, and the necessity of our connection with the natural world. She is deeply interested in the ways people can work together to create a society that allows us to relate to each other better, despite capitalism, white-supremacy and all the systems that keep us alone. Her work celebrates togetherness, beauty, rest, joy, and the pleasure of friendships that defy the cultural scripts we are given to follow.




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